Final Review
Miss Indonesia 2002
*. Congratulations once again to Melanie Putria Dewita Sari, Miss Indonesia 2002. Miss Indonesia Unofficial would like to apologize for not bringing the coverage properly due to internal problem that occur during the whole month and now we try our best to pay it all back by giving you all the information we can get around Miss Indonesia and enjoy your visit and have a good time.
*. Here is the list of all the 34 delegates from 30 provinces or states who joined Miss Indonesia 2002 pageant :
- Rissa Susmex (Aceh)
- Venteen Oberta Nainggolan (Sumatra Utara)
- Melanie Putria Dewita Sari (Sumatra Barat)
- Shelly Pricilia (Sumatra Selatan)
- Linda Aryani (Riau)
- Silvy (Jambi)
- Sherley Silvia Yahya Putri (Bengkulu)
- Novi Ariyunida (Bangka Belitung)
- Nyimas Desi Lusiana (Lampung)
- Ditasiani Oktovie (DKI Jakarta)
- Sagita Shinta Pratiwi (DKI Jakarta)
- Vebryana Dian Ayrrizha (DKI Jakarta)
- Alfatiane Putrini (DKI Jakarta)
- Tronny Astriningdyah (DKI Jakarta)
- Deliyanti Indria (Banten)
- Halimah Tusdiah (Jawa Barat)
- Alice Pahmawati (Jawa Tengah)
- Diah Ayu Permatasari (D.I Yogyakarta)
- Destria Rifana (Jawa Timur)
- Ni Komang Ayu Ruthiny (Bali)
- Lia Permata Lestarita (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
- Anna Theodore Yewangoe (Nusa Tenggara Timur)
- Zora Vidyanata (Kalimantan Barat)
- Gina Septi Maharani (Kalimantan Tengah)
- Mey Theresia S (Kalimantan Timur)
- Valiza Agviandri (Kalimantan Selatan)
- Berlian Benyamina Rungkat (Gorontalo)
- Lenda Lucia Penambunan (Sulawesi Utara)
- Fanny Gisnawati (Sulawesi Tengah)
- Fauzia Fajar Putri (Sulawesi Tenggara)
- Denise Rasina (Sulawesi Selatan)
- Magarani Mahdalena Anastasia Waas (Maluku)
- Immanuella Nathalia Hallatu (Maluku Utara)
- Fransisca Fannie Lauren Christie (Papua)

* Miss Indonesia 2002 can be said as one of the best Miss Indonesia pageant ever. It is held back again in Tanah Airku Theatre, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta. As tradition, the pageant was attended by many invited special guests such as Miss Indonesia 1994, Venna Melinda who still look pretty and young, The Minister of Tourism and Culture Mr. I Gede Ardika, Governor of Jakarta Mr. Sutiyoso, BRA Moeryati Soedibyo, the owner of Miss Indonesia organization, and last but not least the Miss Universe 2002, Oxana Fedorova of Russia. Oxana wears a white ball gown with Indonesian traditional motif on top of it. She looks amazing and pretty as usual. The show was started with opening dancing by Indonesian traditional dancers and the host of the night were Mr. Tantowi Yahya, a famous Indonesian MC, Miss Indonesia 2000, Bernika Irnadianes Ifada with her black gown and Miss Indonesia 1996, Alya Rohali who looks so fresh with her natural look. The judges come from many different fields such as Mr. Andi Malarangeng (Politic), Ferry Salim (Artist), Poppy Dharsono (Designer), and others.
The pageant is continued with introduction for all delegates with their own traditional costumes and few words from each of them appeared on the TV all in once. Some of the best performance in here are Miss Papua, Miss Aceh, Miss Banten, Miss Bali, Miss Maluku Utara, Miss Sulawesi Tenggara, and Miss Jawa Tengah. After then, the chief of Miss Indonesia organization gives her speech regarding Miss Indonesia pageant. next, all delegates are coming back with their next competition which is the evening gown competition. All the gown look similar although in different motif and colour. This is probably due to all came from 1 designer. The competition is short, it is not like a competition at all but more likely as an introduction of delegates in evening gown just similar like Miss Universe 2002 delegates introduction.
Finally, the host called top 10 semifinalists that can advance to next rounf and they are Miss Aceh, Miss Sumatra Barat, Miss DKI Jakarta (Sagita), Miss DKI Jakarta (Ditasiani), Miss DKI Jakarta (Vebryanna), Miss Jawa Tengah, Miss Jawa Timur, Miss Bali, Miss Kalimantan Timur, and Miss Maluku Utara. Some other favourite such as Miss Jawa Barat, Miss Papua, and Miss Sulawesi Utara are not there. The competition for Miss Indonesia pageant only has 1 competition which is interview. All the top 10, top 5, and top 3 round just have interview competition and no others such as swimsuit or evening gown. The format of top 10 interview competition is quite long because each contestant should take one paper that has a name of specific field such as General Knowledge, Social Culture, or Politics. Each of them have 1 mintue to answer 1 question according to the category that they pick and of course other than that each semifinalist will have small light conversation with the host about themselves.
Miss Aceh starts the competition and this is interesting because she had studied in Venezuela before and therefore she can speak Spanish quite fluently. She speaks Spanish a bit during the competition and everything seems perfect until she was tried to answer her 1 minute question in English but unfortunately it did not work well and she just mess up everything. Miss Sumatra Barat starts her interview with perform her amazing voice by singing her traditional song from her province and she does really have a great voice and she also manage her 1 minute question properly. Miss DKI Jakarta, Sagita Shinta Pratiwi was graduated from Monash University, Australia and it is no surprise she is very fluent in speaking English and when I watch her performance, she becomes one of my favourite to win the crown. Miss DKI Jakarta, Ditasiani Oktavie is probably the only famous celebrity that night because she is the member of female group singers called Bening. Miss DKI Jakarta, Vebryanna Dian was a reporter of Indonesian TV Station and therefore it is no surprise she really handle the stage properly. Miss Jawa Tengah is very unique and cute. She has a strong traditional Indonesian face and her movement is very 'soft' and so 'Javanese' if I can say with her strong accent as well. She tries to answer her 1 minute question in English but I don't think it was that good. Miss Jawa Timur is another favourite that night and she comes in the front runner by handling the interview properly. Miss Kalimantan Timur mess up her answer and when answering her 1 minute question, she tries to answer in English but her poor skills don't help at all. Miss Bali has a strong chance as well especially since this province come into top 3 for the last 2 years. Miss Maluku Utara has a really heavy voice but so calm and has the vibrant. In my opinion the best and my top 5 should be Miss Sumatra Barat, Miss DKI Jakarta (Sagita), Miss DKI Jakarta (Vebryanna), Miss Jawa Timur, and Miss Maluku Utara.
I predict 4 out of 5 correctly. The only surprise is Miss Aceh that come out of nowhere in the top 5. The competition is continued with 1 question from 1 judge for every finalists. In contrast, the one that messed up her answer is Miss Jawa Timur. Her waste conversation with the host to define 'Chauvinism' really swipe out her chance to win the title that night. The best answer in this round is given by Miss DKI Jakarta, Sagita Shinta Pratiwi. She was asked by the head of the judge panel that night Mrs.Kusumadewi about the reason why the number of tourist that visit Indonesian is decreased over the years. Her answer is so organized by giving point by point. She states 4 main reasons and she got the biggest applause that night for her amazing answer. For once, I thought she will be the winner. My top 3 is Miss DKI Jakarta (Sagita), Miss Sumatra Barat, and Miss DKI Jakarta (Vebryanna).
I guess 2 out of 3 correctly and again Miss Aceh come out of nowhere.There are rumours that Aceh is placed quite high due to political reason however I think the judges also like her 'bubbly' personality during the pageant. All contestant has change their gown and the pageantis 'paused' with the announcement of Miss Favourite Award that is voted by fans from all Indonesia by phone during the pageant and the award goes to Miss Bali. Miss Banten won Best National Costumes and Miss Papua won Miss Congeniality award. Then the final top 3 interview is using Miss Universe 90's system with all finalists got the same question. The question is asking about what sort of man or woman do they think is required by Indonesia at this time to fulfil the duty as the leader of the country. Maybe Miss Aceh gives her best answer in this round through the night but not that good. Miss Sumatra Barat answers that a good leader should listen to Indonesian people voice and aspiration. Same answer is given by Miss DKI Jakarta however she stops at the end of her answer and suddenly maybe because she is nervous, she is laughing and smile without finish her answer correctly.
Before the announcement of the new Miss Indonesia, Oxana Fedorova comes to stage exclusively with her catwalk and her small interview with the host. Then Miss Indonesia 2001, Angelina Sondakh do her final walk. After then the judges decide to choose Melanie Putria Dewita Sari (Sumatra Barat) as the new Miss Indonesia 2002 with Rissa Susmex (Aceh) as 1st Runner Up and Sagita Shinta Pratiwi (DKI Jakarta) as 2nd Runner Up.
(This report is made exclusively by Ronald Suwandi for Miss Indonesia Unofficial)
*. After the Miss Indonesia 2002 pageant, Miss Universe and the new reigning Miss Indonesia 2002, Melanie Putria starting their activities in Indonesia. Some of the activities are the social activity for children and people who suffer from AIDS / HIV. Miss Universe also visit the biggest temple in the world, the Borobudur temple in Jawa Tengah. Both Melanie and Oxana also had a chance to meet the President of Indonesia Mrs. Megawati Soekarno Putri in her place.

*. Some interesting facts, tid-bits, rumours, information, short news, or anything else you want to call it to be :
- Miss Indonesia 2002, Melanie Putria was an ex-champion of Asia Bagus singing contest and it was one of the most famous singing contest in Asia followed by singers from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Korea, and others. Some of the ex-winners from Indonesia including some Indonesian famous singers nowadays such as Kris Dayanti, AB Three, and Rio Ferbian.
- Kalimantan Selatan government was confuse with the delegate from their own province since there was not any official delegate send by them and suddenly a woman appeared on TV and representing Kalimantan Selatan. It was funny to see that although Valiza Agviandri, Miss Kalimantan Selatan 2002 can represent her province but she even could not mention the name of the airport in Kalimantan Selatan.
- The failure of Miss Jawa Timur to answer the top 5 interview was focused in many newspaper the day after the pageant. During the top 5 interview, Miss Jawa Timur were asked by the only International judge from France who was the General Manager of Le Meridian Hotel Indonesia. She was asked about 'chauvinism' and her opinion about it. It was pittiful to see how she spend most of the time to ask to the host show, Mr. Tantowi Yahya of what is 'chauvinism'. Then the host told that it is kind alike of nationalism and she was then quickly replied that she agree with 'chauvinism'. It was funny to figure out that 'chauvinism' was actually a word to describe the over-nationalism to their own culture and country. The day after the pageant, Miss Jawa Timur claimed that she understand what the word meaning is but the judge question was unclear and his accent is affecting the way she interpret the answer. Well whatever it was, Jawa Timur failed again to grab the title and had to end up as finalist.
- There was a rumour that most Indonesian people did not like the new crown of Miss Universe. They said that it was more beautiful to see the new Miss Indonesia crown than Oxana's Mikimoto.
- DKI Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia was represented by 5 delegates in Miss Indonesia 2002. The reason because Jakarta is the main city with the highest population and the busiest city and since all the activities in Indonesia was decentralized in Jakarta therefore the organization decided to pick 5 women to represent Jakarta since there were so many intelligence women to represent Jakarta. DKI jakarta so far has the highest record in Miss Indonesia by winning 4 out of 7 titles of Miss Indonesia (1993, 1994, 1996, and 2000).
- Miss DKI Jakarta, Sagita Shinta Pratiwi was actually said by many people as the most possible delegate to win the title that night since her answers from top 10 and top 5 round were incredibly amazing. This was said by one of the judges, Mr. Andi Mallarangeng that said Sagita was actually has a good chance to win. Unfortunately during her final answer she was nervous and laughing out of nowhere at her answer and this totally ignored her chance to win and without mercy, she was placed last as 2nd Runner Up.
- Many semifinalists were trying to answer in English however many of them were not answering the questions.
- 2 delegates, Rissa Susmex (Aceh) and Mey Theresia (Kaltim) stated how nervous they were during top 10 interview and it was obvious that Interview was still the major problem in choosing the best winner.
- Some favourite delegates based on Miss Indonesia Unofficial were Sagita Shinta Pratiwi (DKI Jakarta), Melanie Putria (Sumatra Barat), Destria Rifana (Jawa Timur), and Immanuella Natalia Hallatu (Maluku Utara). However some delegates were also stunning in terms of facial beauty such as Alice Pahmawati (Jawa Tengah) and Valiza Agviandri (Kalimatan Selatan).
- Many people compared the beauty of Ozana Fedorova, Denise Quinones, and Lara Dutta. although they were not the first Miss Universe ever came to Indonesia (the first was Lupita Jones of Mexico in 1991) Indonesian people mainly started to appreciate beauty pageant since Lara Dutta came to Indonesia 2 years ago. Many Indonesian people like Lara in terms of intelligence however they were amazed by the "100 watts" smile of Denise Quinones. Oxana was assigned as a bit arrogant since she was hardly smile but people mostly adored her beautiful eyes and her stylish bonding hair which was very popular in Indonesia right now.
- There were some delegates that had an experience in entertainment world before. Miss Aceh played in a movie once. Miss DKI Jakarta Ditasiani Oktavia was an ex-member of Indonesian's female group singer called Bening with their hits "Ada Cinta". Miss DKI Jakarta Vebryanna Dian was a TV reporter in one of Indonesian's TV Station. Miss Sumatra Barat was a champion in Asia Bagus singing contest.
- In overall, the quality of Miss Indonesia delegates this year is less better than last year since most of them cannot handle the interview competition properly. However, it is good to see how most of the delegates were trying their best to answer the question. Maybe it would be much better if the preparation is more intense so they can perform their best during the pageant.
*. Miss Bali, Ni Komang Ayu Ruthiny cannot continue her successors Ayu Inten Leony (Miss Bali 2000) and Ni Wayan Ekasari (Miss Bali 2001) as 2nd Runner Up in Miss Indonesia 2000 and 2001. Ni Komang Ayu Ruthiny failed to advance to top 5 and placed among top 10 semifinalist. However, she managed to bring her province up from the other by winning the "Miss Favourite" award. This award was voted on the phone by pageant fans around Indonesia during Miss Indonesia 2002 final telecast. Here, all the name of 5 top delegates that lead the poll were shown in the TV. Miss Bali led the poll since the first time however if the poll had not chance dramatically, then she got a tough competition from the second leader who was Miss Banten, Deliyanti Indira. Another name such as Miss Kalimantan Selatan also appear in the list. Finally, until the final announcement Miss Bali was still leading the poll and won the award.
*. The reigning Miss Indonesia 2001, Angelina Sondakh is going to launch her book called "Kecantikan Bukan Modal Utama Saya" or in English, this book tells us that her physical beauty is not the main asset to win the pageant and how she reached her goals. This 185 pages book will mainly describe all of her experience during her reign and Miss Indonesia, her journey, and her duties while she became tourist ambassador of Indonesia. In this book, Angelina wants to emphasize that the physical beauty is no longer important in determining what woman is but the Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Intelectual Quotient (IQ) are the most important aspects that every women should have. The book will also contain an opinion from Miss Universe 2001, Denise Quinones of Puerto Rico and it will be launched tomorrow soon after all the contestants for Miss Indonesia 2002 arrive and start the programmes.

*. Miss Indonesia 2002 is on the way and our coverage is started by the election of representative from Jawa Tengah. The competition has choosed 20 finalists and 1 winner will be picked to represent Jawa Tengah (a province name in Indonesia) in Miss Indonesia 2002. The Miss Indonesia final night will be telecasted on 12th July 2002 with special guest Oxana Fedorova, Miss Universe 2002. The winner will take over Angelina Sondakh's crown (Miss Indonesia 2001) and become the new Miss Indonesia 2002.