Global Beauties (31)
Pageant Almanac (30)
Miss Venezuela (24)
Miss World (16)
The winner goes to Miss Universe website. Congratulations to their 6th awards this year. They add their collection with "Design of The Year" award. Miss Universe 2001 website has a great design with a nice combination between flash effect, pictures, text, settings, and features. The website even better cause there was a beautiful woman from Puerto Rico covering most of the website. Yes, she was Denise Quinones, Miss Universe 2001 and also iur "Internet Queen 2001". Global Beauties, the most famous global website established in 1999 was in the second place with not so far away (31 points). Pageant Almanac is the only nominator who frequently change its design through the year. However, the main idea was basically the same, which was cool and nice with sightseeing background and proper textline and settings. It ended in 3rd place with only 1 point away from GB. Miss Venezuela our "Favourite Website" winner came in 4th place with their lovely design and their great picture collection. Finally, Miss World which has similar creation with Pageant Almanac came last with 16 points.
Congratulations to Miss Universe website