Well, 5 Indonesian women were chosen but only one can win and become our 1st Indonesian Beauty Representative of 2001. We would like to thank you for your participation in voting them and soon we will find out who is the winner.
But before that, let's see again the nominations for the Indonesian Beauty Rep. 2001. INDONESIAN BEAUTY I Sophia Latjuba Sophia is a daughter of ex-governor of East Timor. She was married with the famous Indonesian musician Indra Lesmana and divorced a few years later. She was born in Berlin, 8th August 1970 and loves Indian foods and listening to the music especially Bach (her favourite composer). After she divorced from her marriage, she became a single parent with one daughter and now she survives and struggles to support both herself and her beloved daughter, however she never regrets of what happen to her. Indeed, that she may faced many temptations in her life but now, that what makes Sophia becomes a purely strong independent woman with strong charism to make her into an almost perfect woman. Therefore, Miss Indonesia (Unofficial) proudly chosed her as the first Indonesian beauty representative to represent the woman who have struggle hardly from their life as a single parent and individual woman yet they still may survive. INDONESIAN BEAUTY II Nadya Hutagalung Born in Sydney 1974, Nadya is an Indonesian mixture heritage between Indonesian (father) and Australian (mother). Her career was started on the age of 12 when she was travelled to Tokyo for starting her modelling career. Her unique feature made her becoming a succesful model. The history continues when she went to Singapore for a trip and suddenly was offered as an MTV-VJ in Singapore. For more than 3 years, the MTV had bring her a huge success in her career and recently she was chosen by the Star Magazine as the most beautiful and the sexiest woman in Singapore. Since leaving her MTV career in 1998, she started her own business career until now. Miss Indonesia (Unofficial) therefore presents her as the Indonesian Beauty II representative for representing a succesful young woman in her career with excellent skills and personality as well. INDONESIAN BEAUTY III Desy Ratnasari  Desy Ratnasari is an example of 'pure' Indonesian woman with strong eastern cultural feature as well as Indonesian woman feature. She is one of the famous Indonesian public figure and well known not only in Indonesia but as well as in Malaysia. Born in West Java, 12th December 1973 with height 169 cm and weight 49 kg, this young lady has achieved numerous awards as an actress. In 1999 she was chosen as the best Indonesian actress in Panasonic award and in 1997 she received A Vidia trophy (Indonesian's Grammy) as the best supporting actress. However, what makes her special than any other artist is her intelligent and charism. The way she speaks, the way she carries herself in front of the public is mesmerizing. Somehow, she reminded us with Lara Dutta (Miss Universe 2000). Unfortunately, her marriage life was not as beautiful as her career. She was divorced and faced so many gossips surrounding her, recently she was married for the second without inviting any press which leads into a big criticism from the media. However, she faced in strongly and said that she does not want to be disrupted during her marriage. Her strong figure, intellectuality, charism, inner beauty, and the way she carries herself as Desy Ratnasari and public figure makes us Miss Indonesia (Unofficial) decided to choose her as our Indonesian Beauty III representative. INDONESIAN BEAUTY IV ANGGUN  The 4th indonesian beauty representative is no other than the famous International Indonesian singer ANGGUN. Born in jakarta, 29th April 1974, she was started originally her career as a singer in Indonesia in the early 90's at that time her name was well known as Anggun C. Sasmi. Then she decided to move away down to Paris, France to live with her husband as well as improving her career. It was a big step for a young girl especially from Java whose culture was so strong for the parents to let their daughter moved away from them so early. But Anggun was a strong independent woman, she knew what she wants and here she is, after her name gone for years now she came back with a brilliant voice, talent, and a huge success career. Her first album 'Anggun' was a success with a hit single 'Snow On The Sahara'. She received many platinums for both her album and her single. Her second album 'Chrysalis" was released in September 2000 with another big success. "If your dream aren't getting closer to you, then you have to reach and catch to it", she stated. Indeed, she was making a big decision in her life, but she knows what is she doing and she knows that her dream has to be reached by herself and now she was living in her own successful career. This lady sure resembles Nina Ricci Alagao (Miss Philippines 2000) and her traditional beauty and most importantly her strong willing to reach her dreams makes us proud to choose her as our Indonesian Beauty IV representative. INDONESIAN BEAUTY V Tamara Bleszynski Born in Bandung, 25th December 1974 this woman is well known as the most beautiful Indonesian actress. She has a mixed heritage from her parents who came originally from Poland and her strong heritage made her family oftenly invited with the Poland embassy for many occasions. It is no surprise as well that this girl has a great feature with height 175 cm, tall enough comparing to the other Indonesian ladies. She was married and having one son recently. With a good proportion, features, and face this lovely Indonesian young woman is chosen to be our last Indonesian Beauty representative.
And now, let's see who is the best among them all and we start with our